ouch! i have a sore back
crap! i was doing this very simple pose during yoga on saturday...so simple i would even think that fatty abochan would be able to do it. and as i was coming out of uttanasana also known as standing forward bend, i felt this sharp jerk on my lower back!!! boy! did it hurt!!! i had to excuse myself 1.5 hours into my practice. bummer! so, it's gonna be rest rest rest...abstinence from yoga for maybe a week...it better be...omg, i cannot imagine any longer than that!
oh yeah...a new experience for me last saturday as well. i went to a gay spa...omg...it was definately an experience. i thought, since my back is a bit sore...i may as well go get it rub! in style!!! hahaha. anyway, had this chap from thailand...david was his name i think. told him to concentrate on my back...and he surely did...come to think of it...he concentrated more than just my back...he gave me a "urut batin" (hint: david's great at the hand job). anyway, 2 hours of bliss...would definately go back...and if abo, paul or dave is in town...let me know, i'll take you there. i'm sure we'll have lotsa fun there. it's nothing sleezy, and very clean and discreet. oh and you get a cup of hot green tea after your massage. by the way, check them out at www.atouch.com.my.
wahh.. sibeh happening leh!
*sorry that god punished you with a sore back for calling me fatty lo*
thank you god. >.<
wei wei wei...happenings hor...i also think so leh!! hehehe.
hahaha...abo, yeah, yogie wogie gets his punishment for a sore back. Tash, how was the hand job? does it excites you every now and then? hehe.
*erasing image from mind*
now now abo!!! dun be rude!!! hehehe. dave dave...come to kl...i'll take you there for that exhilirating experience.
tsk tsk..leading young boy astray.. god scold hor!
tsk tsk tsk...roll eyes.
hahahahaha.....leading young boy to astray. abo, this boy is already bad liao...he's now getting more ppl to be influenced lor.
That's why lah! Bend into weird abnormal positions!
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