Wednesday, September 03, 2008

loves pill popper

i could never believe that i'd live to this day to pen this down but i've fallen for a drug addict...or should i say, he's layed off the substance for almost 2 months. but to me, a druggie will always remain a druggie. am i stereotyping?

dandruft problems, dry skin, yucky gums...all side effects from this supposedly "miracle pill". he's into chem fun, group sex...sigh, how low can i get?

but admist all that, i see a beautiful side of him...a side i know he's dying to get out and show the world and i really wanna be a part of it. i want to love him, i want him to know that...but i risk my life...of not knowing where i'd end up...

god, please help me to love unconditionally like how you have been to all your children...:(