Thursday, June 28, 2007

my wants

this week has been hectic. no time for my practise and very minimal time to juggle my personal time as well. is it all worth it? honestly, i'm not too sure about it. but if i don't strive for it now...i won't want to strive for it in 10 years times. it's now or never.

i want my practise to continue, i want my teachings to go on, i want to earn big, i want a life...i have one!

i'm grateful for my job, i'm grateful for the opportunity given in my practise, i thank god for the good health he's graciously given to me and i thank him for my wonderful family and friends. hugs all!


yama niyama...not tiu nia ma lar!

i just got dropped from one outlet because some indian teacher whom they employed insisted on my slot. so, go ahead take my slot. no worries.

shouldn't yoga be part of the yama niyama chain? why are they fighting against each other? weird.

remaining 5 classes per week now. not too bad. let's see how it goes.


Friday, June 22, 2007


what should you do with someone who has expressed interest in you but then under his profile indicates his status as "prefer not to say"...hmmmm! i wonder what message "he" is trying to convey.

confused teacher

it's been almost two months since i started teaching. i totally enjoyed it. i have practitioners who enjoy my class and also some who find my teaching a bit on the easy side.

since embarking on the side journey of being a yoga teacher, i realised that we don't usually practise what we preach. we're taught the eight patanjali limbs...or ashtanga (8 limbs) of yoga. two of the most basic limbs are yama and niyama, which transcends as non-violence and no-harm. we're supposed to be accepting everyone for who they are...but why are we segregating into groups of who we like to be around and those whom we don't? this is so conflicting.