i hate chrismas!
i hate chrismas i hate chrismas i hate chrismas!!!
this is my blog on my random thoughts and life experiences through my passion in yoga and spinning...what my achievements are and how degrading my down fall is...it's all here. read with no prejudice...namaste.
bumped into chris last nite during one of our 'dynamic' classes. anyway, asked him how his teacher's training course was coming along. apparently, he is having his exams next week. and that he is still having trouble remembering all the asana names in sanskrit. after a while into the conversation, more people started arriving for the 8 pm class. and most of them are also students of the teacher's training course...and of course the conversation suddenly deviated to their upcoming exams.
chris : "i dunno lar...i'm just trying to memorise all the asana names."
janice : "yalar...me too me too...when i drive, i just try to 'ngap' all the names out"
chris : "aiyah, like that how lar...teach also not very 'tim'...summore must memorise all the names...wahlao eh"
janice : "haiyah, never mind lar...the names only 100 marks mah...just tembak only lar..."
chris : "yalor yalor...dun intend to remember all the names...you know or not...sun salutations ah...i also mix up all the steps...remember yesterday when i was giving you all cues to do it...i think i was too nervous...totally messed it up...i was sweating so much and when i see all of you, you guys were all still very dry...hahahaha"
janice : "yalar...u so nervous for what?"
my goodness, isn't this a blessing in disguise? i will never want to attend a class conducted by such "instructors"...or do they even deserve to be called that?
memorising asana names, messed up basic sun salutations, little to no knowledge of the anatomy...this is a disaster class waiting to unfold...wait!!! it has already unfolded...these "young guns" will be teaching their very first class this thursday in another branch of the yoga studio which i attend. they have no passion for yoga...they are doing it all for the wrong reasons. chris told me yesterday that he's taking teacher's training course for change in career.
this has further reassured that my decision in not taking up the teacher's training course when first offered was correct. i don't want to end up being like one of them...memorising asana names for the same of passing the exam. i can't believe they were even proud in sharing ways in passing the exams...disgrace!
*feeling totally disgusted*
geees! what a great way to cleanse ones body, the 5g way.
a recipe given by my yoga instructor. the 5g aka 5 greens, namely, green pepper, cucumber, bitter gourd, green apples and celery. juice everything and there you have it...a green concoction to detoxify your body. of course i tried it...and yup, it surely works. works best in the morning on an empty stomach though...and when you pee pee, you can literally smell the toxins...errrrr i think that's how toxins smell.
then again...after detoxifying...i would cramp myself with mark's and spencer's cracked black pepper and sea salt baked potato chips...yums!!! does it mean that i'm retoxifying my body...yet again? not to mentioned those yummy dark chocolate tim tams and "bak hu" with peanut butter sandwiches, pitted olives with baked pita bread, carrot cake (ang mo style ok...not the chai tau kuey one hor) and of course the list is exhaustive. so what's the point of detoxifying in the first place? geees!!!
you determine your own destiny...that's what i learnt tonight.
kinda picked it up in a very interesting situation as i was attending this class conducted by a guest instructor from byron bay, new south wales down under. we did our salutations to both the sun and the moon...considering it's full moon today so what the heck...here's one for you madam lunar. and as we were approaching towards the end of the hour and a half of full stretched class, we were told to do the pincha mayarusana (also known as the feathered peacock pose).
looks difficult isn't it...that's what i thought...not till the instructor said, it's all in your mind...the fear is there. and he calmly told us to "fuck everything and run". it's just fear he said. as usual, i was busy trying to lift my heavy butt off to try my very best in achieving the pose. and of course also attempting very hard in trying not to look like a 100 ton hippo doing the hand stand...imagine that will you. finally, achieved it...guess what...it must be the oxygen riched blood which came rushing towards your head thanks to mother nature's gift of gravity...i suddenly felt a tingling feeling...a feeling that there's nothing in my life that i cannot do or achieve...it's all in my hands and in my head.
if i want to feel happy...i need to work on it...and if i continue to stay lost...i shall be lost forever without knowing or at least attempting to give that little push to achieve that "umph" in life...boy...it sure was an interesting feeling. hard to imagine...but quite sureal!
my destiny...right in the palm of my hands...if i fall...i fall...but i can prevent myself from falling...concentration, a little strength and lots of support...mental support...it's all in the head. it's all controlled from the mind...wow!
what a wonderful feeling it is. i feel like a child again...it feels free and light! i'm happy!
the question cropped up again as to whether i would be interested in taking up a teacher's training course for yoga. the answer, yes...but not now. i don't think i'm physically and definately not mentally ready yet. nevertheless, money shall be saved, physical and emotional needs shall be fulfilled.
there's definately more self discovery to come in many chapters ahead.
was in london, calais and brugge last week. it was great...come to think of it...great is an understatement for what i've seen and places i've been. more to come.
what a fucking embarassing thing to do...i farted in yoga class today. hahaha. and guess what, i was next to chris! sigh. oh well...to "boooot" or not to "boooot"...i have "boooot"ed. dig that!
sigh...what can i say? i was whacked with a double whammy. first a rusty water piped burst over the ceiling of my guest room which cause the entire room to rain...now doesn't that sound familiar? yup, exactly like a scene from the japanese horror film, 'dark waters'. then a 100 ringgit a piece of rack bought from ikea gave way and cause a couple of glass jars with my favourite plants to go with it.
sigh...my poor wooden teak floor was generously given a good bath. the moment i realised what happened, it was too late. my mattress...drenched...blankets and comforter all drenched. i had to throw them away as i cannot afford to have mold growing in them. if i could discard the mattress i would but it was fucking expensive...so the next practical thing was to dry the mattress.
the night was a long and dragging one...i didn't know what to do...i was caught completely off guard. but i'm glad it's now sorted out. the plumber came the next morning to change the faulty pipe. i just hope that's all for the time being or until i find another pad to migrate. i'm giving this place...10 more years.
let this serve everyone a good lesson. never buy property at its highest level. the risk of leaky roof is high.
and abo, the flower power bath (with pamelo leaves please) will definately come in handy now...would you also scrub my back. hehehe. like you always say lar..."hua hi ju hor".
yippie!!! i can bend again...i'm now back to my usual seven days a week bending routine, of which i sadly put on hold for more than 2 weeks due to a back ache.
i'm just so glad that i'm able to go down on my knees again...my view of my knees on an up close and personal point sure is good.
someone told me once that long distance relationship is really a drag. while another told me it will never work. ah boy has gone through it twice...to miserable failures too. and my advise to him has always been the same...long distance will never work.
so, what am i doing now? eating up on my own words? perhaps...it's time. time to give myself a chance...time to allow myself a chance, to love and to be loved. it's not going to be easy...distance will definately be the first hurdle. trust the second and sense of feeling the third. this is what i say now...if you never try, you never know. so, here goes nothing.
what say you?
i played host...yet again to another friend from singapore, dave is his name. well, hope he enjoyed his short trip to kl.
he started his journey from singapore (of course lar...duh!) and went to genting highlands only to pay money to suffer (so it seems from his point of view)...and the constant coldness...what did ya expect dave? temperature control climate? i don't think we're even close to achieving that in shopping centres. hee! anyway, he managed to squirm his way through chinatown (aka petaling street...the street famous for its notorious sales tactics and a crash course on 'bargain 101'. hope he learnt his lesson. hahaha. :)
anyway although he'd like to cover as much ground as possible, but me being the lazy pig...was just too lazy to drive him around...hehehe. sorry dave but as you can see while we were in starbucks, i'm just a lazy worm. but truly, i do hope you enjoyed yourself as much as i did playing host.
he's heading back today and will be commencing his internship soon. so here's wishing him all the best and dave...you should be starting your own film critique column in the tabloids and when you do, don't you forget to send me free copies. on your account of course...what did ya expect? lunch is not free you know!
i got myself a tattoo today.
the whole experience was really interesting. i had a chance to flip through the numerous art book which contained all sorts of designs (i was looking into tribal designs). shortlisted them, then of course i had some friends over for the emotional support. met with my tattoo artist. interogated him thoroughly from the type of needles used to the type of disinfectant used.
so, decided my design. got it stenciled onto my lower back...very happy with the position. and in came my tattoo artist. he opened the steriled needles in front of me...told me what he was going to do, poured out black ink into a little holder...and also some oil...wasn't too sure what oil it was. but anyway, he took out his tattoo machine...and he was ready to 'paint' me. told me to relax and enjoy the process...it was more of like a torture to me....now i'm very sure i'm not into s&m.
he used two types of needles. a fine and a slightly thicker one. the fine one was used to outline the design and thicker one was to fill in the rest of the colors. boy did it hurt. it felt like getting an injection. hahaha. seriouly. i felt pain when he was outlining...but i read it somewhere if i started to breath slowly my body would release some hormone that is supposed to block out the pain...i think i was breathing as if i was going into labour. 10 minutes into it, i felt cold sweat. hehehe, bad pain threshold i supposed. but anyway, the entire process took less than an hour (as i was told that the design i chose would take about an hour to complete).
i was bandaged. the after feeling is like there's a thousand scratch and a stinging sensation. hahaha, but it was definately an experience. i might even consider extending my design in future as my tattoo artist told me that the design i chose is definately extendable....woo hoo...let's see what i'm up to next.
the design below is supposed to be seen in horizontal manner as the tattoo artist took it from a vertical angle. so, what do you guys think?
of late it seems that i been visited by the 'injury' angel far too many times...now it's my back. yet again. after the pinky ordeal...it was great to be doing all the back bends and forward folds. but now...it seems that the injury sustained from a fall 2 years ago with compliments to attempting to do the 100 metres across some tangled wire on the ground...which managed to drop me like a sack of potatoes, has resurfaced.
so, for now...i think it's gonna be rest for at least 3 weeks if not more. i just have to be more discipline in ensuring that i make sure that the back is fully recovered before attempting any of those bending postures...what do you expect? i was preparing myself to do the karma sutra with anyone that happens to swing by. i guess...it's more of taking things the sutra way now than the karma.
so, abo felt good today...so what? he deserves it i suppose after months of tormented sufferings...then again...how would i know if he's not enjoying it. abo always have this sense to be different...maybe he loves pain and suffering...maybe he loves to be hurt...oh well, whatever it is, abo's still the "ah pui" i know regardless if he's got a so called 'laser tattoo' or he needs to wear his tight garment (gosh...finally, abo, finally admit to having that soft spot into getting into a dress huh...i knew it.)
but whatever it is, abo found light today...i'm sure for that split second it felt good for him because i felt good for him.
4 potatoes (good medium sized one please)
4 stalks of celery (fresh ones of course)
1 medium sized onion (if it can get into your backside, it's good)
3 granny smith apples (they are green in color btw)
4 eggs (chiken of course)
salt & pepper to taste
mayo (my favourite brand would be kewpie)
1. peel potatoes and put to boil in pot of water (obviously it has got to be water lar duh!). Oh, don't forget to wash potatoes clean after peeling...yucks! be more hygenic ok.
2. wash and dice four stalks of celery.
3. wash and cube the apples.
4. peel, wash and finely chop the onion (to avoid crying, plug your nose with tissue paper).
5. oops, forgot...hard boil the eggs too...or is it, cook the eggs till hard boil...oh well...whatever, you get it...if not, forget about cooking. just order a pizza.
6. when the potatoes are soft, run through tap water to stop cooking...once cooled...dice the potatoes and put together into a large mixing bowl with rest of ingredients.
7. when eggs are fully hard boilled, peel and take only whites. the yolks makes them slimy. yucks! cut whites randomly and toss with the rest of the ingredients.
8. squeeze a generous amount of mayo, a good dash of salt and pepper...please, use your judgement when dressing the salad...and walah!!! potato salad ala my recipe!
31.08.05 (wednesday)
12.00 am
bus to sg.
5.30 am
arrived sg, went to hunt for breakfast at lavendar street (that's where i got off).
6.30 am
found nothing in lavendar street...only a 24 hour casket house (choi!!!). took mrt to outram park...went to eat fish porridge at the corner stall...knnccb! fucking place told me only can serve at 7.30am...bloody singaporeans are no breakfast people. damn! waited lar what else?
7.30 am
yums...fish porridge...with raw fish. and of course, 3 glasses of milo kosong kau kau!!! what can i say, it's caffeine to me in the morning.
9.00 am
took mrt to orchard...wanted to go citibank...damn the bank...moved to mcdonald's house...as if they were going to go into farming. but anyway, took mrt to dhoby ghaut...looked around the atrium for the stupid bank...finally found it...and a handful of cute guys professionally clad too...boy, citibank sure knows who to employ. yums!!! singapore never fails to amaze me with their collection of men...yummies!
12.30 pm
met a friend for lunch at wheelock.
3.00 pm
took train to tiong bahru...lotsa memories rushed back to me. took a memorable stroll out of the station out of the shopping centre...made my way to the market...ordered my favourite chai tau kuey, fry black black i told the aunty, also asked to her add egg and sprinkle more spring onions. ordered sugar cane with lemon as well...as i sat there eating my chai tau kuey...i remembered abo. couldn't help it...after my chai tau kuey, i made my way to the gazebo which i sat with abo on a sunny mid day...him puffing his fucking life away, and me just lazing there...talking bull. anyway, decided to etch something on the bench...my initial...so sue me singapore...for vandalism!
5.30 pm
stupid mrt jammed pack with humans returning home from work. heading to bugis junction and parco...wanted to check out muji...what a dissapointment. the bloody shop was on sale and as all shops are during sales...everything is all over. oh well...decided to go to delifrance for makan. yums...as usual, delifrance sg is hell better than delifrance kl.
7.00 pm
couldn't help me...just had to go to marche for my garlic pork sausages and movenpick ice cream and not forgetting soft shell crab. yums.
8.30 pm
took train back to lavendar street...retired at the food court there...and waited for my 10.00 pm bus. tiring...fucking tiring. i must be getting old!
10.00 pm
bus departs singapore for kl...end of trip. a fucking good one too.
what the fuck...struggled with twisted pinky, sore back, a twisted thumb (with best compliments from last saturday's yoga class) and now dandruff.
dandruff, the shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp at an excessive rate, is the result of the normal growing process of the skin cells of the scalp (yippie...does that mean i'm still growing...good good...dying to achieve a taller physique, hehehe). tried medicated shampoo aka head and shoulders...well, i fell for the ad ok. so, don't ask me why head and shoulders when there are many other brands out there. anyway, i have had pieces of dry scabs on my pillow case and that totally eeeks me out.
and to think that was it?...boy was i dead wrong! to add to all these eekiness...i'm also having sore and dry eyes! boo hoo! fuck the environment. blame it on the environment. mind you, i did not peep at either chris nor gary. although i would have loved to get my hands on either one of them.
oh well, pinky is all well now, thumb's getting better too, as for the back...it is still a bit sore and dandruff...to hell with dandruff!
oh my goodness...hehehe, shame on me. chris is out of the picture now. i've gotten a new target...gary is his name. hehehe. let's see...he's cute, got a little goatie. and he's got this gorgeous shoulder...and pair of arms to go with it. yes abo, i heard that...don't you even dare say it out!
anyway, will need to dig more details of him. all i know now is his name...a great starting point no? then again, i got a feeling he's very "ah neh"...coz he managed to squeeze some conversation with our yoga teacher when we were doing the supported hand stand. oh well...gary yum yum!
oh yeah, have made my mind not to do ttc.
ttc...stands for teacher's training course. yup...seriously considering of doing this course. for yoga of course...not for the sake of being able to teach (although teaching part time can definately generate that much needed cash) but more of bringing myself to the next level in yoga.however, after further discussion over dinner with my teacher (oh oh oh, the detox drink which i had was superb, combination of mango, apple, carrot and strawberries), it just daunted on me that i may not be ready after all...don't know...according to her, i'm physically ready, however, mentally, i'm still a long way to go...i agree. come to think of it...i don't think i'm even physically ready as i'm not even able to do the simple seated forward bend also known as pachitmottanasana.
how could i ever concentrate in class when the class i'm attending has chris in it. bugger...i want him in bed!!! yums! anyway, concentrate, concentrate, concentrate...on chris? hahaha
anyway, final decision has yet to be made...to do ttc or not do ttc, that's the question.
crap! i was doing this very simple pose during yoga on saturday...so simple i would even think that fatty abochan would be able to do it. and as i was coming out of uttanasana also known as standing forward bend, i felt this sharp jerk on my lower back!!! boy! did it hurt!!! i had to excuse myself 1.5 hours into my practice. bummer! so, it's gonna be rest rest rest...abstinence from yoga for maybe a week...it better be...omg, i cannot imagine any longer than that!
oh yeah...a new experience for me last saturday as well. i went to a gay spa...omg...it was definately an experience. i thought, since my back is a bit sore...i may as well go get it rub! in style!!! hahaha. anyway, had this chap from thailand...david was his name i think. told him to concentrate on my back...and he surely did...come to think of it...he concentrated more than just my back...he gave me a "urut batin" (hint: david's great at the hand job). anyway, 2 hours of bliss...would definately go back...and if abo, paul or dave is in town...let me know, i'll take you there. i'm sure we'll have lotsa fun there. it's nothing sleezy, and very clean and discreet. oh and you get a cup of hot green tea after your massage. by the way, check them out at www.atouch.com.my.
chris was his name...and i was busy checking him out during yoga tonite. downward dog became more of a spyward dog pose...mountain pose more of running my eyes from his head to toe... oh my goodness, what a slut i am (i hear that coming out loud and clear from abochan! bitch!)...i swear my mind was all over chris...bugger!!! what a stimulating class.
and of course...at the end of the class...my favourite teacher introduced me to chris...hahahaha, yums!!! again i swear my eyes were tearing his cute singlet off his nice chest and pulling those tight shorts all the way down revealing what's underneath there. oh my gawd!
so much has happened...peat fires, hotspots over the island of sumatra, open burnings in home ground...all contributing to the ever increasing air pollution not to mention the haze that's currently blanking many parts of the nation. with such poor visibility, ones mind also tend to be "hazed".
have been attending classes (yoga of course) consistently...have been pretty strong about it and it feels good. but of late, the mind...it's just not tuning into the body. it doesn't seem to be listening...it feels like it has got a "mind" of its own. the head is telling me this but the heart is telling me otherwise. what has come to me?
of course, practiced a couple of supported head stands...hoping for the oxygen enriched blood to flood my brain to give it an extra boost of much needed oxygen after it has been so deprived of this vital breathe of life due to the haze. and apparently, it's not rushing there like how it's intended.
too many things in my mind. need to unwind...maybe a couple of 'ohms' to retune the mind and soul should do some good. or like abo likes to put it..."you need to get laid"...which is it?
i was told i am a caramel today. how pathetic...i hate caramel.
it seems that the human population can be grouped into different kinds of chocolate. what an insult to this devine piece of dessert. anyway, someone told me that indians are milk dairy (more like bitter dark to me, if i were to group them), chinese are caramels, whites are....white of course, africans are dark chocolate. and what about flavoured ones? there's the rum and raisin ones, the nutty ones, pralines, butterscotch and the list goes on of course.
whatever it is, if i were ever to be grouped into chocolates, i wanna be pistachio raisin dark chocolate...why? coz' i'm a bit nutty and sweet yet classic. hehehe. i hear a couple of "yeah right" coming. oh well...namaste.
"For Tash
Do not fret, do not frown. One time failure does not define your potential, rather it could be God or the Universe telling you that whatever you wished for, is not yours to have. I am sure that better things awaits you ahead. So pick up the pieces, put aside your disappointment and look forward to a much brighter journey with faith and optimism. The worst disservice you can do to yourself is to doubt your own capabilities. Soldier forth with confidence and you will see how the world opens up for you in ways you can never imagine, so beautifully, fabulously."
went through months of torment to be told i did not make it...sigh. i dunno how i'm feeling right now. i just cannot describe it. it's a bit of dissapointment and a hint of sadness...what can i do? nothing...i just gotta move on. i really don't know how i feel...there's just so much mix emotions right now. anger, dissapointment, sad, pathetic...
i had the opportunity to play host to a very good friend of mine who came from hong kong...and along came another buddy of his from san francisco. boy was he a cutie. anyway, the three of us had great fun. drove up to menara kl (mind you, it was my first time up there, and did you know that locals as in malaysians get charge a different ticket price...without the audio tour guide...bummer) and realised...how gorgeous kl city was. it never daunt on me that our city was basked with so much greenery until seen from above.
anyway, we had great dinner, took the guys out for satay (for which they totally loved it) and followed by "kat chai suin mui", a kind of kumquat blended drink with preserved sour plum...and believed it or not, it was time to head home...of course, they put up with me for the night. as usual, being a good host, offered my best bottle of wine...chilian! i was told it was good wine...and being the cheap drunk, had a good glass and i was in "lala" land...or was i?
anyway, it was a good night. and gil, if you're ever reading this...it was a great nite. hugs.
have two friends coming over for cuppa tonite...both from two corners of the world. san francisco and hong kong. and the common connector between us three you may ask? what else? men of course...it's gonna be fun.
then again...i have the cleaning up to do after that...oh my goodness, sheets to change, glasses to wash, toilet to clean, floors to mop, pillows to fluff, not that fun after all.
oh no...went to the docs yesterday to get my ear checked out...and guess what. she says i may have ruptured the ear drum. i'm going deaf!!!!!
anyway, she says it's something minor, treat it with antibiotics first and have another look at it. if i ever go deaf!!! swear all of you...swear that you'll talk nothing but good things about me. :)
believe it or not...i think i have an ear infection. now i'm temporarily partial deaf on my right ear. everytime after i shower, there is this yellow liquid that's stuck in me ears and i gotta use a cotton bud to clean it. but in the morning when i wake up...i think the yellow liquid solidifies and i'm pretty deaf on my right ear. sucks!
no wonder my warriors are all out of balance...does it really make you wobble one side?
did you know that an octopus has three hearts? did you know that at any one point in time, only 10-20% of the brain functions for a normal human being? also did you know that our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing?
so many 'do you know' questions and i only know that much. so many questions so little time, what infinte possibilities we have on this little planet we call home.
life has been pretty good so far for me i must say. blessed with a lot of achievements which many people around my age would be envious.
but why do i feel that something's missing. as much as i would like to say love...but i doubt that's the main missing piece to this huge jigsaw which i'm piecing. i know i've all the edge of the puzzle assembled...and i'm looking into piecing the main body. is it because i'm not a risk taker and that i fear for the unexpected.many who know me would know i'm a "planned" person. i like to see everything right before my eyes and to know what's going to happen next. with that characteristic in mind...i'm kinda freaked out about my life as i really don't know what's happening next.
maybe i should be doing more salamba sirsasana aka supported head stand. a good rush of oxygen should get my focus back. also, apparently this pose helps with calming the brain and helps to relieve stress and mild depression. well, let's hope this works.
new york, madrid...now london. where next?
why are there such senseless "pigs" out there...then again, i think they give pigs a bad name. they are worst then pigs...although pigs can be a bit messy at times but these moronic idiots planning such sick attacks...they really need to get a grip of themselves.
prayers and thoughts are with the family of the victims.
sniff sniff...down wif fwuu. sniff sniff...body aching and feel like the world is speening wound and wound. ahhhhhhhh chooooooooo...
i've been told the fish pose is good for opening up the chest and subsequently helping with coughs and colds. the fish pose is also known as matsyasana. i've tried this and it really is very relaxing indeed especially for the lower lumbar.
the fish pose has to be performed as a counter pose for the shoulder stand aka salamba sarvangasana. namaste.
i was blessed last nite to be gloriously sitted in my super duper comfy sofa while waiting for the much anticipated 'desperate housewives'. boy, was it a spectacular show. 20 minutes into it, after mary alice's interesting introduction to her mysterious suicide, and the introduction of the desperate housewives of course, i feel that i share some of susan and bree's characteristics...what a "suree" i am. and i'd very much like those baskets back too...hehehe.
it's tuesday...and i feel the blues...is there such thing as a post monday blue syndrome? whatever it is, i feel yucky today. bluekz!
after attending yoga lessons for close to 2 years now, i just realised that my sun salutations (set a) have not been done correctly after all...but of course...this gives me more reason to be touched by my super yummy instructor...hahahaha, cheapskate! i hear that coming from a couple of people. anyway, it was a good refresher class tonite. thought me lots of realignment for my shoulder and ankle. give it a try...surya namaskara...a beautiful movement.
woke up at 6.00 am today...boy was it still dark...felt like waking up in the middle of the night to pee...but it just daunted on me that i had a 7.45 am appointment today. shucks! my bed with those soft tempting pillow was just screaming their cottony fillings away waiting for me to sink my head back...damn it! the sun salution would definately be a good start for the day now...
last week as i was attending my usual power class...i noticed that there was a new class available...it's called karma yoga. gosh...i didn't know yoga branched out to include karma classes...wow! this is definately interesting...but of course, after 20 minutes watching the "aunties" attempt the poses, i began asking myself if this is something i want to do as well...hell no! well...i mean if the instructor was as cute as allan wu (the mediacorp guy who appeared on fear factor...and lost, boo hoo!) i'd dedicate myself to his class for the rest of his life! hahahaha...how shallow...oh well...life goes on. namaste.
was in singapore recently...boy was i being nottie...well...ok, yeah...just one guy...that's all!!! what do you expect...it's singapore...that temptation island was practically crawling with men to die for.
the months of yoga definately helped me tremendously in opening up the hips as well as the famous knee to head pose (which i'm sure he was really impressed)....hehehe. thanks to the virabadhrasana aka warrior poses, finally, this buttercup is getting some fun. oh gawd...after all these years....it does feel a bit weird...but what the heck, it's just a one night stand...no?
yup...definately took sven's advise and went to see that orthopaedic...believe it or not...to see a specialist took the entire day out of me. you queue to see him (the doc)...then queue to get an x-ray...queue to get the report (which they screwed up because they forgot to develop my film), queued again to see the doctor...now with the x-ray report...only to be told that there's nothing wrong with my wrist. duh! but i supposed...everything was worth it as i got a good look at the yum yum x-ray doctor who was at the hospital...boy was he a cutie...hehehe
oh well...a couple of balasana aka child's pose will definately send some blood back to me head for replenishment...namaste!
i had the best stretch yesterday...but my mind was running all over my yoga instructor's perfect sculpted body...boy was he hot! how could my mind be running wild when i'm supposed to be fully concentrating on my poses and reaching out to the state of mind where i just surrender myself entirely to the pose. sigh...still thinking of his nice pecs...yums! one hour and fifteen minutes of pure stretch and torture...i love it.
someone asked me recently how much yoga i do...my reply was 11 hours a week...with 2 hours each on wednesday and saturday...perhaps...i'm reaching the goal towards becoming plastic man instead...or rubber boy...hmmmm, i think i like the latter one...sounds more kinky. :)
gosh! after a back ache ordeal...i've now just discovered that i twisted my pinky...was it due to the side bakasana (aka side crane) pose which i've been trying so very hard to achieve? or was it the half head stand? whatever it is, i think i need to get my poor pinky x-rayed...then again...how many cells would i be killing from administering radiation into me body? if my pinky is really twisted...does that give me a reason to lift my pinky up while sipping earl grey from a tea cup painted with lots of pink roses?
goodness me...a couple of cobra poses has left my lower lumbar a bit sore. oooouch! in agony. what has that got to do with bad eggs you may ask...let's see...nothing. hahaha, can bad eggs be considered century eggs? they are after all eggs that's gone bad...NO?
friday the 13th...first blog ever...encouraged by an sms date whom i nearly would like to kill for cancelling a bali trip...go figure!
me? well...consider me as a die hard yoga fan...love it. besides helping me achieving those near impossible posses, it helps me tremendously with a lumbar injury i sustained at work 3 years ago..., what more to say...it's great to use in bed too..."winks"...
yoga pose of the day...the cobra aka bhujangasana. namaste .