Monday, September 10, 2007

10 best lines to dump someone

1. it's best to be friends
2. maybe we're seeing each other too much
3. sorry, i'm too busy
4. i need to make time for my friends
5. i'm too tired
6. nothing much...really!
7. it's ok, doesn't matter anymore
8. i really don't know
9. i want some of 'my' space
10. let's just move on

for any of the above, prescription poses include the beautiful sun salutation both series a and series b, then try head flush the head with more blood so that you stay sane.



abo said...

11. the eternal classic: your character and my character cannot go together.

Yogie Wogie said...

hahaha, anymore to add??? that is a classic one. well done!

abo said...

12. i'm size queen but sorry, u aren't the size i was looking for.

13. u don't smoke.

14. u use ur teeth.

15. i'm lactose intolerant (can't tahan cheese).

abo said...

eh, ask harvin to start a journal so can read more of his stuff lah. got talent dun waste.

Yogie Wogie said...

hmmmm, abo, you deprived of harvin's work ah? why don't you send him a heart? ;P

abo said...

wat does sending heart gotta do with him starting a blog?

Yogie Wogie said...

so you can get to know my baby better lor...and introduce yourself as my distant "aunty"...;P