ode to the "ah pui" aka abochan
ah pui, this is for you...although you may not know it yet, but you've always remained in our hearts (both myself and ah boy)...we're not sure what exactly happened...but when you're ready...please fill in the many question marks that are sometimes hovering over our heads...only when you're ready.
in the mean time, can i introduce you to tadasana aka mountain pose...it helps to improve posture, groundedness, stability and confidence. hope you'll find that light at the end of the tunnel.
how to do tadasana
1 .from a standing position, bring the feet hip width apart, parallel. lift up the toes, spread them wide and place them back on the floor. feel your weight evenly balanced through the bottom of each foot, not leaning forward or back.
2. pull up the knee caps, squeeze the thighs and tuck the tailbone under. the legs are straight, but the knees are not locked back.
3. inhale and lift out of the waist, pressing the crown of the head up towards the ceiling, feeling the spine long and straight.
4. exhale and drop the shoulders down and back. gently press the chest/sternum towards the front of the room.
5. reach the fingers down towards the floor to lengthen the arms. inhale the arms up, turning the palms shoulder height, bringing the arms into a h position.
6. exhale relax the shoulders down from the ears while still reaching the crown and fingers up.
breathe and hold for 4-8 breaths.
7. to release, exhale the arms down to your sides or bring the palms together in front of your chest.
in the mean time, can i introduce you to tadasana aka mountain pose...it helps to improve posture, groundedness, stability and confidence. hope you'll find that light at the end of the tunnel.
how to do tadasana
1 .from a standing position, bring the feet hip width apart, parallel. lift up the toes, spread them wide and place them back on the floor. feel your weight evenly balanced through the bottom of each foot, not leaning forward or back.
2. pull up the knee caps, squeeze the thighs and tuck the tailbone under. the legs are straight, but the knees are not locked back.
3. inhale and lift out of the waist, pressing the crown of the head up towards the ceiling, feeling the spine long and straight.
4. exhale and drop the shoulders down and back. gently press the chest/sternum towards the front of the room.
5. reach the fingers down towards the floor to lengthen the arms. inhale the arms up, turning the palms shoulder height, bringing the arms into a h position.
6. exhale relax the shoulders down from the ears while still reaching the crown and fingers up.
breathe and hold for 4-8 breaths.
7. to release, exhale the arms down to your sides or bring the palms together in front of your chest.
awww.. you are sweet. yeah, i know i am a handful so i appreciate the patience lah, miss you all too.
- abo
ah pui...you better rebounce back hor...waiting patiently for you to take me out for 'chai tau kuey' fried black black with extra eggs and spring onion
"whispers...eh eh eh, must style a bit my reply here...cos trying to be more up market...hehehe"
eh, i'm confused abt no.2 leh. how to pull up my knee caps when i'm standing in no.1? and wtf's tailbone??
aiyah you hor...basically, stand straight...lift your hands up high, clasps your palm together...feel as if you're being pulled up. tailbone is the lower lumbar (spine area) aka coccyx bone, the piece of bone at the end of the your spine in between your butt cheek.
i can't believe u said butt cheeks.. so 1985 *roll eyes*.. ok that doesn't explain how i'm going pull my knees up when i'm STILL STANDING lah deh..
1985? not my era leh. if they are not called butt cheeks, what are they called then? anyway, stand straight and pull your knee caps up...the feeling is like constricting your quadriceps while your calf muscle is lengthen and you feel that your knees are about to break...dun break it though. :รพ
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