i've ruptured something in my ear
oh no...went to the docs yesterday to get my ear checked out...and guess what. she says i may have ruptured the ear drum. i'm going deaf!!!!!
anyway, she says it's something minor, treat it with antibiotics first and have another look at it. if i ever go deaf!!! swear all of you...swear that you'll talk nothing but good things about me. :)
yogie's the sweeeeeeetesssst!!! :)
awwww, tell me something i don't know will ya. winks!
Is it chronic suppurative otitis media?
hehehehehe, that's what i love about abo. paul! what the f@#k is that? is it some STD that's spread to the ear? then again...i didn't have sex!!!
It's not an STD and it doesn't spread :) You may safely have sex - with me even. Í just wouldn't stick my tongue in that ear.
'blush'...have sex with you...ermmm ok! hehehe
get a room! *roll eyes*
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