Wednesday, November 09, 2011


boy oh boy oh boy!!! my work place is crawling with bitches...can't believe i got put in a position today for not copying someone (who is the 'boss' of the project)...already the boss mah...sure swamped with loads of e-mails right? so, it is wrong to just copy the working level and they update the 'boss' accordingly? noooooooo!!! apparently this bitch wants to be copied on everything...she even called my boss to say i didn't respect her and she had to find out from her own team mate on the update...duh?!! isn't that the idea?? anyway, she has just washed her hands clean from this project and does not want anything to do with it since we've seek our brand's department for input...gosh!!! fucker!!! bitch!!! chau hai!!! tiu nia ma!!! errrrr what else ah...

spoilt my day! sien ady! fuck you bitch! 


abo said...

whatever the fuck she did reflected more on herself, which is very badly. she could had talk to u or ur team & since she was the "boss", & u guys would have listen, right? instead she went tattle-taling to ur boss and now decided to walk away from her responsibilities when she realised she couldn't managed to solve the "problems".

i think bitches are intelligent, creative & resourceful. no, she is a fucking moron & frankly, unworthy of her position in the co, or any co for that matter.

don't insult bitches ^^

Yogie Wogie said...

very well worded abo...couldn't agree more about not insulting bitches...they're definitely a handful...that's why it's always good to have a different perspective, especially from a wise old fart like you...hugs!

Nenechicken said...

omg....such a bitch to deal with such's consider the most petty thing at workplace and she's making it such a hoo-hah...if I were in your position, I will first confront her face to face, witness by the entire department, and 2ndly, when comes to project, I will avoid getting myself involve with her being part of the project. Even if I were force to get into the project, since she ask for it (to CC her ALL THE TIME), I will CC her every bit and pieces of the e-mail related to the project, even if the content is just a minor i.e. 'Have you done #title 139 particular item #10'..and the emails go ding dong ding dong throughout the entire period until project's that? Then, see whether she dare to open her mouth to HAVE HER IN THE LOOP or not.....LOL

Dave said...

well bitches are always bitches. you can't turn them into angels don't you? how about recruiting a bitch to counter against bitches around you?