Tuesday, October 25, 2011

we have the best police service...not!

it was 11.30 pm, trucks were unloading some heavy machinery. including tractors and jackhammers. 11.45 pm, the idiotics started drilling the road and the tractors started to scoop dirt creating a ditch. why in the world would anyone do that the middle of a residential area at wee hours when everyone is resting (or rather in deep sleep)?

i saw my neighbor walked to the fence and spoke to them...not too sure what was exchanged...but clearly whatever he did, it didn't work. the workers continued their drills and digs. the jackhammer went all out and pounded the tared road with half a second intervals bangs. it was clearly not a good night to sleep.

never mind, bit the bullet and hit the bed...1.30 am, they continued their hammering...it got to a point where it's just intolerable. i called 999 from my cell (hey, it works...you don't need to dial 112 anymore)...made my report to a lance corporal sham

lc : talian kecemasan, boleh saya membantu? (emergency line, can i help you?)
me : cik, saya nak buat aduan. ada pihak tengah mengerudi jalan tengah malam and menganggu ketenteraman awam. (sir, i'd like to make a complaint, there are road works going on in the middle of the night interrupting  the neighbourhood)
lc : cik, biasalar tu, ada juga yang call malam ni pasal mercun lar, orang borak kuat lar...boleh tak untuk malam ni saja cik biarkan (sir, it's normal, we've received calls from the public about firecrackers, human noises, could you please let it slide tonight?)
me : har? macam itu sajer ker? (har? is that it?)
lc : le lah cik, pihak polis banyak kerja sebenarnya... (yes sir, the police are actually very tied up with works...)

what the fuck? 


abo said...

seriously. WTF??

Dave said...

haha...want to see how the police in singapore works? refer to the relevant authorities. :X

Yogie Wogie said...

abo : i know right???!!! then again ah...after further evaluation...is it really an emergency ah? hahaha...i guess not! :P

dave : at least the relevant authorities will pick up their butt and get to it...you can wait till the cows come home here for sure...

Nenechicken said...

interesting...these people forgotten that their pay is from our $$