Sunday, March 20, 2011

electricity is not free...

biatch : excuse me (loudly and nearly bang into my phone that is being charged close to ground).
me : please be careful, there's a phone being charged.
biatch : why are you charging your phone here? this is not right...electricity is not free you's not fair...
me : my phone is dead, i'm just charging for a while.
biatch : you are such a disgrace to the chinese race...
me : do i care?...i don't care...mind your own business lar aunty...
biatch : (continue to mumble...)
me : (unplugged my phone and walked away to a different port...mumbling myself too...)

that was what happened this afternoon at uniqlo. was accompanying my boy to get some socks and undies...only to realised that my phone had completely died on me. so, decided to plug into a socket and get some juice flowing...was hoping to get at least a good 10% charge.

then this short cropped hair aunty (i think she purposely walked in front of me) came buzzing her busy little bootie and exchanged the above crappy conversation.

i guess the questions are...can i or can i not charge my phone at a shop? indeed, she's got a point...electricity is not free...but in times of need, would it be acceptable to 'steal' some power to boost up the device? i was hoping to get enough juice so that i can check into foursquare to earn some badges...hehehe.

also, was she trying to mock the chinese race or is she just being a nasty the way, you biatch, if you're ever reading this (of course you won't be)...i'm not chinese ok...i'm malaysian!!! 

nonetheless, there anything else free around here now? would you 'steal' electricity if any of your devices are flat?


Dave said...

for me and my classmates, the 6 of us, hog on the 2 powerpoints at McDonalds from 10am till 6pm, helping ourselves with free supply of electricity for 6 laptops, my qwerty phone, 2 Samsung touchphones and 2 iPhone 4. Despite the fact that 'no studying is allowed on crowded period', we just simply do not give a damn about it. oh yes electricity is not free...3 McD brekkie set (with free flow of coffee and tea till 12noon) and 5 McD lunch set at a total of RM80. We pay for our food, so we deserve free flow of electricity on our gadgets.

But come to think of it, if your batt dies down, its best to get your supply from Starbucks, Coffee Beans and any fast food outlets that provides you with free electricity, rather than going to fashion boutiques. Such places are not meant for free electricity anyway.

Oh yeah, so is that sonovabi(a)tch a staff from uniqlo or some aunties buying clothes from uniqlo?

Yogie Wogie said...

hmmm...another great idea dave...thanks for pointing me towards starbucks, coffee bean and the likes. do you think i would be able to bring my laundry and start ironing there???

ironing is a power hungry activity...what say you?

p/s: that biatch was a freaking customer...:P

Dave said...

if you want to have free electricity supply, please bring only your notebook/laptop/mobile phone chargers or something that is small and portable. if you want to do ironing at cafes on the basis that ironing is a power hungry appliances, then you might as well carry your own fridge to the cafe and plug it there. Fridges are power hungry too, right?

Furthermore bringing irons to do your laundry in cafes makes you look like some third world country citizens. Isn't that so? :)

Go get that biatchy auntie to compete with a Singaporean auntie. She will cry back home in Malaysia, since SG aunties are capable of calling the police just because she did not receive a free goodie bag in an event where all goodie bags has been given out. ;)

Yogie Wogie said...

don't plant ideas in my head dave...i may just bring the fridge over to starbucks...:P

p/s: biatch, biatch, biatch...hehehe

Dave said...

ok then you might as well bring your rice cooker, electric oven, water heater and air conditioner to the cafes with powerpoints and help yourself with free electricity. better still, move your home over to the cafe, so that you can use electricity for free. :P

then I will see from Malaysian online news that a man makes himself famous by shifting his home to a cafe so that he not only can use free electicity, but also save up on room rentals. si bo?

abo said...

cb everywhere. sigh

Yogie Wogie said...

"bleeek" think i so lulu meh? move everything to the cafe...

abo - tell me about it...all the chau hai everywhere...sibeh sien!

Dave said...

well you are just one step away from becoming a lulu. the moment you tell me you want to do ironing in cafe, you show sign of becoming a lulu.

('lulu...skip to my lu' Butters from South Park is singing this to you. :P)