Wednesday, September 03, 2008

loves pill popper

i could never believe that i'd live to this day to pen this down but i've fallen for a drug addict...or should i say, he's layed off the substance for almost 2 months. but to me, a druggie will always remain a druggie. am i stereotyping?

dandruft problems, dry skin, yucky gums...all side effects from this supposedly "miracle pill". he's into chem fun, group sex...sigh, how low can i get?

but admist all that, i see a beautiful side of him...a side i know he's dying to get out and show the world and i really wanna be a part of it. i want to love him, i want him to know that...but i risk my life...of not knowing where i'd end up...

god, please help me to love unconditionally like how you have been to all your children...:(


Dave said...

He is indulge in poppers?

Seen any doctors yet? Or maybe you should bring him to the hospital, before it gets worst?

abo said...

gonna be hard, so brace yourself. good luck, darling.

abo said...

i should know, shouldn't i, pills popping and all. but i love you and i am happy for you.

Yogie Wogie said...

oops...pill popper decided to give me a miss...hahaha.