Monday, March 26, 2007

am i a sex addict?

so, what is it like to be promiscuous? have you ever thought of going to a group sex party, i have...many many times. so what if you're there? what are you gonna do? fuck someone, get fucked? but that's one to one sex no? then again, you're doing it with a few more blokes in full view of everyone else. heck! life porn! how apt.

body's been insanely horny of late...constant doses of porn has helped in those late night hungers. hehehe. and thank god for those crazy yoga bends...i'm now able to reach where no man has gone before...woo hoo!

does that make me a sex addict?


savante said...

OOh. Is that an open proposition? :)

Yogie Wogie said...

depends on how you see it! *cheeky grin*...