Monday, January 01, 2007

what's your new year resolution?

the end of 2006 spells the closing of another chapter in my life. it has been very challenging in terms of my practise for yoga as well as my growth, emotional and not to mention physical...yes, a couple of pounds added here and there...but what the heck...who's counting the calories?

what's your new year resolution? asked by a couple of friends on new year's eve. honestly, i don't know. and i don't give a damn. one thing for sure is i'll definately be eating more ice cream. yum! and not to mention practising more asanas. come mid january, i'll be taking up my very first teachers training course. pursue my passion towards this miracle exercise. hopefully, to earn some extra income of course. :)

have a smashing 2007!


abo said...

YAY for tashi san!!!

Yogie Wogie said...

yay for tashi san too!!!

Dave said...

My new year resolution:
1. to keep my rice bowl as a RP
2. to eat more ice cream and cakes.
3. to have tonnes of great fuck. :P
4. to visit my lalaland with my buddy.

3 cheers for tashi san!