Monday, August 08, 2005

clouded by the haze?

so much has happened...peat fires, hotspots over the island of sumatra, open burnings in home ground...all contributing to the ever increasing air pollution not to mention the haze that's currently blanking many parts of the nation. with such poor visibility, ones mind also tend to be "hazed".

have been attending classes (yoga of course) consistently...have been pretty strong about it and it feels good. but of late, the's just not tuning into the body. it doesn't seem to be feels like it has got a "mind" of its own. the head is telling me this but the heart is telling me otherwise. what has come to me?

of course, practiced a couple of supported head stands...hoping for the oxygen enriched blood to flood my brain to give it an extra boost of much needed oxygen after it has been so deprived of this vital breathe of life due to the haze. and apparently, it's not rushing there like how it's intended.

too many things in my mind. need to unwind...maybe a couple of 'ohms' to retune the mind and soul should do some good. or like abo likes to put it..."you need to get laid"...which is it?


abo said...

you need to get laid.

Yogie Wogie said...

hehehe, why does that sound so familiar.

Dave said...

mabey u need more water, and a detox meal i suppose.

abo said...

no. he really really needs to get laid.