Sunday, July 31, 2005

to gil with love

i had the opportunity to play host to a very good friend of mine who came from hong kong...and along came another buddy of his from san francisco. boy was he a cutie. anyway, the three of us had great fun. drove up to menara kl (mind you, it was my first time up there, and did you know that locals as in malaysians get charge a different ticket price...without the audio tour guide...bummer) and gorgeous kl city was. it never daunt on me that our city was basked with so much greenery until seen from above.

anyway, we had great dinner, took the guys out for satay (for which they totally loved it) and followed by "kat chai suin mui", a kind of kumquat blended drink with preserved sour plum...and believed it or not, it was time to head home...of course, they put up with me for the night. as usual, being a good host, offered my best bottle of wine...chilian! i was told it was good wine...and being the cheap drunk, had a good glass and i was in "lala" land...or was i?

anyway, it was a good night. and gil, if you're ever reading was a great nite. hugs.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

the "holy" trinity?

have two friends coming over for cuppa tonite...both from two corners of the world. san francisco and hong kong. and the common connector between us three you may ask? what else? men of's gonna be fun.

then again...i have the cleaning up to do after that...oh my goodness, sheets to change, glasses to wash, toilet to clean, floors to mop, pillows to fluff, not that fun after all.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

i've ruptured something in my ear

oh no...went to the docs yesterday to get my ear checked out...and guess what. she says i may have ruptured the ear drum. i'm going deaf!!!!!

anyway, she says it's something minor, treat it with antibiotics first and have another look at it. if i ever go deaf!!! swear all of you...swear that you'll talk nothing but good things about me. :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

har? what? did you say something?

believe it or not...i think i have an ear infection. now i'm temporarily partial deaf on my right ear. everytime after i shower, there is this yellow liquid that's stuck in me ears and i gotta use a cotton bud to clean it. but in the morning when i wake up...i think the yellow liquid solidifies and i'm pretty deaf on my right ear. sucks!

no wonder my warriors are all out of balance...does it really make you wobble one side?

Friday, July 15, 2005

did you know?

did you know that an octopus has three hearts? did you know that at any one point in time, only 10-20% of the brain functions for a normal human being? also did you know that our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing?

so many 'do you know' questions and i only know that much. so many questions so little time, what infinte possibilities we have on this little planet we call home.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

the missing piece of puzzle

life has been pretty good so far for me i must say. blessed with a lot of achievements which many people around my age would be envious.

but why do i feel that something's missing. as much as i would like to say love...but i doubt that's the main missing piece to this huge jigsaw which i'm piecing. i know i've all the edge of the puzzle assembled...and i'm looking into piecing the main body. is it because i'm not a risk taker and that i fear for the unexpected.

many who know me would know i'm a "planned" person. i like to see everything right before my eyes and to know what's going to happen next. with that characteristic in mind...i'm kinda freaked out about my life as i really don't know what's happening next.

maybe i should be doing more salamba sirsasana aka supported head stand. a good rush of oxygen should get my focus back. also, apparently this pose helps with calming the brain and helps to relieve stress and mild depression. well, let's hope this works.


Friday, July 08, 2005

pigs are cute and you are not

new york, london. where next?

why are there such senseless "pigs" out there...then again, i think they give pigs a bad name. they are worst then pigs...although pigs can be a bit messy at times but these moronic idiots planning such sick attacks...they really need to get a grip of themselves.

prayers and thoughts are with the family of the victims.


Thursday, July 07, 2005

ah choooooooo! sniff sniff

sniff sniff...down wif fwuu. sniff sniff...body aching and feel like the world is speening wound and wound. ahhhhhhhh chooooooooo...

i've been told the fish pose is good for opening up the chest and subsequently helping with coughs and colds. the fish pose is also known as matsyasana. i've tried this and it really is very relaxing indeed especially for the lower lumbar.

the fish pose has to be performed as a counter pose for the shoulder stand aka salamba sarvangasana. namaste.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

i am such a "suree"

i was blessed last nite to be gloriously sitted in my super duper comfy sofa while waiting for the much anticipated 'desperate housewives'. boy, was it a spectacular show. 20 minutes into it, after mary alice's interesting introduction to her mysterious suicide, and the introduction of the desperate housewives of course, i feel that i share some of susan and bree's characteristics...what a "suree" i am.

and i'd very much like those baskets back too...hehehe.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

today is yucky

it's tuesday...and i feel the there such thing as a post monday blue syndrome? whatever it is, i feel yucky today. bluekz!

Monday, July 04, 2005

a tribute to the sun

after attending yoga lessons for close to 2 years now, i just realised that my sun salutations (set a) have not been done correctly after all...but of course...this gives me more reason to be touched by my super yummy instructor...hahahaha, cheapskate! i hear that coming from a couple of people. anyway, it was a good refresher class tonite. thought me lots of realignment for my shoulder and ankle. give it a try...surya namaskara...a beautiful movement.

ode to the "ah pui" aka abochan

ah pui, this is for you...although you may not know it yet, but you've always remained in our hearts (both myself and ah boy)...we're not sure what exactly happened...but when you're ready...please fill in the many question marks that are sometimes hovering over our heads...only when you're ready.

in the mean time, can i introduce you to tadasana aka mountain helps to improve posture, groundedness, stability and confidence. hope you'll find that light at the end of the tunnel.

how to do tadasana

1 .from a standing position, bring the feet hip width apart, parallel. lift up the toes, spread them wide and place them back on the floor. feel your weight evenly balanced through the bottom of each foot, not leaning forward or back.

2. pull up the knee caps, squeeze the thighs and tuck the tailbone under. the legs are straight, but the knees are not locked back.

3. inhale and lift out of the waist, pressing the crown of the head up towards the ceiling, feeling the spine long and straight.

4. exhale and drop the shoulders down and back. gently press the chest/sternum towards the front of the room.

5. reach the fingers down towards the floor to lengthen the arms. inhale the arms up, turning the palms shoulder height, bringing the arms into a h position.

6. exhale relax the shoulders down from the ears while still reaching the crown and fingers up.
breathe and hold for 4-8 breaths.

7. to release, exhale the arms down to your sides or bring the palms together in front of your chest.
