Thursday, December 28, 2006

post holiday yogasyndrome

christmas has been excellent this year. got a good break and started my asanas again. it was definately tough after the many plates of char kuey teow, bak chang, cendol, abc and rojaks while on my "eating holiday". then again...what else can you do besides eating in penang. other than oogling at the cute chinese boys there of course.

and who can ever complain about penang drivers. bloody bastards...they think that their father owns the road. then again, maybe half of them do...hehe. other the bad eggs on the road, the entire trip was divine.

i told myself that after penang i will come back and resume my daily asana practices. which i did to a painful start. the weeks of staying away from yoga has stiffen me much and my stamina has just diminished. hmmm...does it mean i'm loosing my sex drive? is there a direct corellation between stamina and sex?

anyway, one pose which i'm still struggling to perfect is the half moon pose aka ardha chandrasana. looks simple but the twisting of the hips sure opens up lots of chakras.

out of curiosity, do you think this is a good position to get fucked or to fuck? hmmmmm....i can see eyes rolling.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

a tribute to an ole fart...

today marks another day in your life. a life filled with gin and tonic and marlboros. but whatever it is, you'll always remain the same ole fart to me. hugs.

happy birthday abochan!

Monday, December 04, 2006


i've had my share of ups and downs for the past 6 months. it was definately a roller coaster ride for me from the day i left my 'glamourous' job in the satellite industry.

a good shake up with a 'bitch' who taught me all about the reality facets of much i didn't know when i thought i knew. but painful learning curve. struggling, late nights, brain cracking, comatose like sleep. was it all worth it? hell no! then think of it, i took a step in life...a step out of my cocoon, my shelter to experience the harsh reality of our so called world.

for that, i truly thank that 'bitch'. i'm re-born...

Sunday, September 03, 2006

sinful indulgence

it's been a while since i've taken a breather after i've taken up this new job. then again, it's not that new now.

this weekend was good...a total let go. no work to think about, no commitments, just nothing...plain ol'me...just me for myself.

ice cream, dry fried 'hor fun', glass noodles, sushi and sashimis, fries, more ice cream, movies...just chilling out and giving my mental state a good rest.

Monday, August 28, 2006

"chrismas" in august

how the hell do you spell 'chrismas'? is it 'christmas' or is is 'chrismas'?

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

april 24

monday, 24 april...i'm being thrown back into the battle field. it's gonna be interesting. i'm all ready for it.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


after years of torment about not being satisfied with my current work scope...and many many months of job searching, i'm finally being given a chance...a chance to break out of my comfort zone to be thrown back into the battle field. it is definately gonna be tough, but i'm all set and fully determined to re-focus and re-channel my energy.

wish me luck!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

conversations with "god"

me : i keep talking to you and trying to get you to answer my prayers...why aren't you answering any of my prayers?

god : i have been listening...all the time, never failed.

me : why are you not talking to me directly...

god : i do...all the time and when i realized you weren't listening, i had to get your attention trhough my angels.

me : i don't me god! please! help me!

Monday, February 13, 2006

depress mode

ok, i'm not going to deny, i'm depress! d.e.p.r.e.s.s.....depress! no, not some cheerleading shouts...but i'm just plain depress. not too sure if it's the male version of the so called "pre-menstrual syndrome". but i'm definately feeling yucks right now. i know what the issue is, i just don't know how to deal with it!

anyway, attempted my usual yoga class yesterday hoping that a good workout would help keep my mind off things, unfortunately...couldn't concentrate at teacher was saying that i did not fully commit myself to the pose. that's really bothering me. haven't slept well for a couple of days's a been a week since actually.

what should i do? what should i do?

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

my new toy

hahaha! yes, i've finally succumbed to another temptation of getting myself yet another gadget...yes, it's the new ipod video. a sexy little bastard with gorgeous buttons to turn me on! woo hoo!

yup! still nicely wrapped in its original plastic wrapper. waiting to get a 'condom' for it. can't seem to find good ones.

so next project is to get a good universal docking station so that i can hook it up, download some good meditation music and twist and bend away.

i want...i want...i want

yes...i've been slacking lately. no...not from any love project or any major changes to my life. life is still the same...hasn't changed much...but i'm still holding up a very positive attitude towards the beginning for the year of the dog.

i want changes to happen this year...i know it will happen...i can feel it.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

2005...a proper closure

2005 has been relatively good to me i must say. of course there has been the occasional hiccups. but how can i complain when i've got a job to get to (which i totally hate), yoga classes to attend (aaahhh...divine), men to oogle at (can see but cannot touch...damn it!), a roof over your head, wheels to get you about and money to keep you going, the lists just goes on and on.

but there was one chapter in my life which i can finally put a proper closure to it. it seems that i've been clinging on to a piece of history which i thought have been safely tucked and sealed away...i was dead wrong. it haunted me for the past two years. feeling of remorse and regret, showered me daily. thoughts of reconciliation so powerful, i swear i thought it partially cooked my 'balls'.

anyway, the new year began with a good conversation...a conversation which should have taken place back then...but like they say...better to have done it then not and regret it. of course the main topic revolved around the agenda of love...the trust, the betrayal, the touch, the feeling. everything was layed clearly out on to the chopping board. we were like doctors performing autopsies on each and every element...but we realized there was no use in analyzing all these elements as we cannot turn back the clock to undo what has been done (although, i would have love very much to do that...but reality check).

so, here i am...locking this chest for good. vowed never to look back for i have new missions for this new year, yoga practices to attend, voluntary work to give, friends to care and people to love. and i'd like to wish my closest friends...the doctor, the prisoner, the librarian (come to think of it...i don't have much friends) a fucking good year ahead! cut crap and smell the coffee will ya!!! life is as shitty as it can get! namaste.