Thursday, June 30, 2005

sweetie, come back to bed

woke up at 6.00 am today...boy was it still dark...felt like waking up in the middle of the night to pee...but it just daunted on me that i had a 7.45 am appointment today. shucks! my bed with those soft tempting pillow was just screaming their cottony fillings away waiting for me to sink my head back...damn it! the sun salution would definately be a good start for the day now...

Monday, June 27, 2005

karma yoga?

last week as i was attending my usual power class...i noticed that there was a new class's called karma yoga. gosh...i didn't know yoga branched out to include karma! this is definately interesting...but of course, after 20 minutes watching the "aunties" attempt the poses, i began asking myself if this is something i want to do as well...hell no! well...i mean if the instructor was as cute as allan wu (the mediacorp guy who appeared on fear factor...and lost, boo hoo!) i'd dedicate myself to his class for the rest of his life! shallow...oh goes on. namaste.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

the awaken warrior!

was in singapore recently...boy was i being nottie...well...ok, yeah...just one guy...that's all!!! what do you's singapore...that temptation island was practically crawling with men to die for.

the months of yoga definately helped me tremendously in opening up the hips as well as the famous knee to head pose (which i'm sure he was really impressed)....hehehe. thanks to the virabadhrasana aka warrior poses, finally, this buttercup is getting some fun. oh gawd...after all these does feel a bit weird...but what the heck, it's just a one night

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

yum yum x-ray doctor

yup...definately took sven's advise and went to see that orthopaedic...believe it or see a specialist took the entire day out of me. you queue to see him (the doc)...then queue to get an x-ray...queue to get the report (which they screwed up because they forgot to develop my film), queued again to see the with the x-ray report...only to be told that there's nothing wrong with my wrist. duh! but i supposed...everything was worth it as i got a good look at the yum yum x-ray doctor who was at the hospital...boy was he a cutie...hehehe

oh well...a couple of balasana aka child's pose will definately send some blood back to me head for replenishment...namaste!

Friday, June 03, 2005

the enlighten plastic man

i had the best stretch yesterday...but my mind was running all over my yoga instructor's perfect sculpted body...boy was he hot! how could my mind be running wild when i'm supposed to be fully concentrating on my poses and reaching out to the state of mind where i just surrender myself entirely to the pose. sigh...still thinking of his nice pecs...yums! one hour and fifteen minutes of pure stretch and torture...i love it.

someone asked me recently how much yoga i reply was 11 hours a week...with 2 hours each on wednesday and saturday...perhaps...i'm reaching the goal towards becoming plastic man instead...or rubber boy...hmmmm, i think i like the latter one...sounds more kinky. :)

Thursday, June 02, 2005

twisted pinky?

gosh! after a back ache ordeal...i've now just discovered that i twisted my pinky...was it due to the side bakasana (aka side crane) pose which i've been trying so very hard to achieve? or was it the half head stand? whatever it is, i think i need to get my poor pinky x-rayed...then many cells would i be killing from administering radiation into me body? if my pinky is really twisted...does that give me a reason to lift my pinky up while sipping earl grey from a tea cup painted with lots of pink roses?