Sunday, December 02, 2012

you were my first...i will miss you...very much!

today, i reflected our friendship...the memories we have shared since our childhood. we grew up together. how you sat behind me during class and how vain you were with your 'body shop' perfumed bubble then, the stars origami i helped you fold to fill your jar of love for your crush, the occasional pizza break we bought and headed to the beach just to steal a moment to breath, the yoghurt which i refused to buy for you when we were in australia...i remembered it all.

i remembered when we had our usual dinner at marche whenever i'm down to visit...we always spoke about dying...we agreed, whoever passed on first will inform the other part in dreams. we also agreed, if we were not married by 35, we will marry each other if necessary, but live separate lives...

i want to write all these down so that i will never ever forget you...i know i won't because you will have a special place in my heart.

i pray that you will no longer suffer...and that god the almighty one will carry you in his arms. i don't know how much longer you can hold on...i see you suffering in the hospital bed, i cried every time i see that video...i feel my heart bleed, the sourness, i feel it all...

you were my first best girlfriend,

you were the first i told i am gay,

you were the first whom i shared who my life partner is,

you were my first...

i love you and i will miss you...very, very much...until we meet again, may the lord be with you, my dear best friend. :(

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

thank you 2011

well? what can i complain about 2011? nothing! coz it was a blessing...truly a blessing for 2011. the following are some major milestones worth mentioning;

1. the bf moved in to stay with me.
2. mum moved in to stay with me...and the bf!
3. sustaining 'relationship' with ah pui. thank god for that.
4. and or peace...hahaha, nah, just throwing that in as a bimbo milestone.

anyway, here's praying for a blessed 2012 and may all my friends and family stay healthy.

love you.

Wednesday, November 09, 2011


boy oh boy oh boy!!! my work place is crawling with bitches...can't believe i got put in a position today for not copying someone (who is the 'boss' of the project)...already the boss mah...sure swamped with loads of e-mails right? so, it is wrong to just copy the working level and they update the 'boss' accordingly? noooooooo!!! apparently this bitch wants to be copied on everything...she even called my boss to say i didn't respect her and she had to find out from her own team mate on the update...duh?!! isn't that the idea?? anyway, she has just washed her hands clean from this project and does not want anything to do with it since we've seek our brand's department for input...gosh!!! fucker!!! bitch!!! chau hai!!! tiu nia ma!!! errrrr what else ah...

spoilt my day! sien ady! fuck you bitch! 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

we have the best police service...not!

it was 11.30 pm, trucks were unloading some heavy machinery. including tractors and jackhammers. 11.45 pm, the idiotics started drilling the road and the tractors started to scoop dirt creating a ditch. why in the world would anyone do that the middle of a residential area at wee hours when everyone is resting (or rather in deep sleep)?

i saw my neighbor walked to the fence and spoke to them...not too sure what was exchanged...but clearly whatever he did, it didn't work. the workers continued their drills and digs. the jackhammer went all out and pounded the tared road with half a second intervals bangs. it was clearly not a good night to sleep.

never mind, bit the bullet and hit the bed...1.30 am, they continued their got to a point where it's just intolerable. i called 999 from my cell (hey, it don't need to dial 112 anymore)...made my report to a lance corporal sham

lc : talian kecemasan, boleh saya membantu? (emergency line, can i help you?)
me : cik, saya nak buat aduan. ada pihak tengah mengerudi jalan tengah malam and menganggu ketenteraman awam. (sir, i'd like to make a complaint, there are road works going on in the middle of the night interrupting  the neighbourhood)
lc : cik, biasalar tu, ada juga yang call malam ni pasal mercun lar, orang borak kuat lar...boleh tak untuk malam ni saja cik biarkan (sir, it's normal, we've received calls from the public about firecrackers, human noises, could you please let it slide tonight?)
me : har? macam itu sajer ker? (har? is that it?)
lc : le lah cik, pihak polis banyak kerja sebenarnya... (yes sir, the police are actually very tied up with works...)

what the fuck? 

Thursday, July 28, 2011

oops...i forgot my undies

i remembered packing them into the gym back...but i just can't find them after my shower in the gym this morning...i'm walking around the whole day ala commando...feels kinda free.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

press freedom my ass!

it is exactly for this reason why i'm so adamant about my voting's been almost a week since the rally. the post rally press conferences from different parties, the ruling government and the rally organizers were given due coverage by media. however, little does one only publish calculated, what's the use of fighting for press freedom when you don't even provide unbiased reporting. bull shit!

come on guys!!! your citizens are no longer in the boogeyman days!!! it's beyond the 21st century already...please realize your citizens are smarter and bolder now...

Saturday, July 09, 2011

yellow power awakens

what a day! what a day of yellow power! streets were off limits, many were 'house arrested'...what's gotten into this country??? thousands of supporter rallied down the streets with enforcers on the opposite side...tear gas fired, chemically laden water sprayed...the rain did the sun. all in the name of fighting for a fair electoral system.

i have never felt so much emotion for my country until a matter of fact, i couldn't be bothered about the government nor the political arena and fiasco these clowns are showcasing. i haven't exercised my rights to vote in the past two general elections. but the events of july 9 opened my woke me up from my dumbness for not exercising my rights...what a fool i've been. the next g.e., i'm game on. i will be heading back to exercise my constitutional rights.

do i agree with public rallies? hell no...i'm sure there are alternative avenues to bring the message across. over the past week, talks of this rally has been exchanged in social networking sites promoting the motion that bersih is mooting. d-day arrived...streets into the city locked down...still, supporters made their way through. a supposedly peaceful walk pass turned ugly when enforcement officers felt threaten by the citizens and started firing tear gas at the demonstrators. trucks with water canon sprayed water (supposedly chemically laden water) to break groups of congregation. for goodness guys are the one with the weapons...these demonstrators carry nothing. now this is definitely questionable...why so defensive when you have nothing to hide?

no violence...claimed the enforcement during a press conference post rally. but videos from various sources tell a different story. come on...who do you think you're fooling? such disgust...such disgrace to be lying and expecting the citizen to be dumb enough to believe you?? boy...that was your biggest mistake!!! a post pr activity by the prime showcasing only key messages that the government identified...once again, who you kidding huh mr. prime minister??? what a mockery this is...

i remember meeting abo back in may when singapore was going to have her general election...apparently it was compulsory for the citizens to vote otherwise a fine would be imposed...we don't get that a matter of are sometimes given money aka "wang ehsan" to vote for a specific party. so, i guess the time has truly appreciate and support the thousands who rallied on july fight for a fair and justified electoral system.

an awakening has erupted amongst malaysians...not just in malaysia, but a global pandemic where malaysians are present. a sense of awakening unites malaysians worldwide...the quest for liberty ignited.

i respect my country, i love my country but it doesn't mean i agree with how it's run by the people who has been entrusted to do so. therefore, to all malaysian politicians, i dedicate you our national flower (in yellow of course) to please reflect on the national spirit and do what's right...or maybe not do anything at all...your citizens have awaken.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

i'm a professional fitness instructor (sequel)

talking about being a professional instructor...sigh.

attended a group exercise and the instructor says that 'it' (to protect the identity of the instructor of course...:P) can't do a full hour class coz 'it' has got 4 classes already. well do i fucking care if you have 4 or 5 classes? heck no!

being a fitness instructor as the name suggest, you need to be are you telling me that because you have conducted 3 classes and this being your fourth class you are freaking tired? damn...fucking lazy instructor...

but i still gave 'it' a sweet smile at the end...hahaha, how hypocrite can i be?

blueeeeekksss :รพ